
Help installing the python Sylvan wrapper

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Sorry, not an issue, more question. How do I install the Sylvan wrapper?

One way to build Sylvan and the Cython module dd.sylvan is as done in the file .travis.yml:


Lines 28 to 40 in f9aa4d1

- pip install -r requirements.txt
- curl -L https://github.com/utwente-fmt/sylvan/tarball/v1.0.0 -o sylvan.tar.gz
- echo '9877fe07a8cfe9889152e29624a4c5b283cb34672ec524ccb3edb313b3057fbf8ef45622a49796fae17aa24e0baea5ccfa18f1bc5923e3c55245ab3e3c1927c8 sylvan.tar.gz' | shasum -a 512 -c -
- mkdir sylvan
- tar xzf sylvan.tar.gz -C sylvan --strip=1
- cd sylvan
- autoreconf -fi
- ./configure
- make
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/src/.libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- cd ..
# dd
- python setup.py install --fetch --cudd --cudd_zdd --sylvan

If building only Sylvan, the last line can be python setup.py install --sylvan.

Using cython>=0.29.15 to build dd.sylvan requires dd >= a5948d8 from the repository (the latest PyPI release is dd == 0.5.5 and requires an earlier Cython version when building dd.sylvan).