
Receive Inventory - Remove RECEIVE INV and RECEIVE ORDER buttons from bottom

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Receive Inventory - Remove RECEIVE INV and RECEIVE ORDER buttons from bottom

This is just confusing. I don't see any problem with having to bounce back out to the WN (Workspace Navigation) screen.

It looks like right now the only way you can get to Receive Order is via the Receive Inventory screen; there is no other way to get there, so unless we add another button to the Operator Functions screen for Receive Order, that screen will be orphaned. Should we do that, or would that be a confusing UI change?

Decision is to remove the buttons and add another button to the Operator Functions screen "Receive Orders" that calls the receive order screen. Also to add a big "Back" button in their place that bounces you back to the Operator functions screen. Need to also remove the buttons from the bottom of the receive orders screen and add back button