
UIN - Create/Edit Customers and Create Orders

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Here's what I have so far.

  • It seems adding Primary Contact info for the organization would require additional coding/investigation.
  • I wasn't sure what to do with the existing Deliver Address/Notes but they seem to be tied to the Customer, not the Organization, so I put it there.
  • The Select button for Create Order actually does nothing, since the selected product is a variable tied to the item in the drop down so Tulip automatically updates it without a trigger.

create edit orders

Clear Form for the Organization does not reset the dropdown selector

In the order manager is it easy to make the filter selections drop downs instead of text entry fields?

Clear Form for the Organization does not reset the dropdown selector


In the order manager is it easy to make the filter selections drop downs instead of text entry fields?

It's possible (I wouldn't call it easy). But I took a quick look at the MasksOn data and for each of those dropdowns, there would be about 5000 items in the dropdown (for both Organization and Customer filters). I'm not sure that having a dropdown there would necessarily be a good idea? Right now you can just type in a fragment of the names of either to filter for the one(s) you care about.

Added clearer error message and an on screen instruction to make it clear you need to use Select button