
UIN - Create/Edit Supply Site

Opened this issue · 4 comments


This one is different because it is a CHANGE to the Create Supply screen. The current system does not permit editing of the Supply Site information. This screen WILL permit review and edit of supply site information.
NOTE: I got lazy and did not add the table to the right, but it it a similar table to all the other tables, just deals with the Supply Site fields. I believe that supply sites are a subset of Workcenters in the database.

I hooked up the Create/Edit Supply Site screen and tested both creating and editing supply sites. The following screenshot is how it looks right now.

I removed the extraneous line below "Supply Sites - " and kept the table as is (11 rows high). If you'd like more rows let me know, I can try and add an invisible button. Or if we want filters we can put them in that blank space.

I wasn't sure what columns would be useful, so please feel free to remove columns in the table as you see fit. The new Connector I created sorts by site name by default but we can change that.

create edit supply site