
Please update Upload documentation

FabioSebs opened this issue · 3 comments

If waProto is deprecated I can't seem to find the correct way to Upload a pdf or a png. Can you please provide a working example in the documentation thank you guys

This is how I am currently trying it but I get no message unfortunately. Is there something I am missing?

func SendInvoiceExample(filename string) (err error) {
	var (
                msg string = "hello world!"
		ctx = context.Background()

	fileData, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {

	resp, err := w.client.Upload(ctx, fileData, whatsmeow.MediaImage)
	if err != nil {

	toJID := types.JID{
		User:   "12345678901",
		Server: types.DefaultUserServer,

	message := &waE2E.ImageMessage{
		Caption:       proto.String("Hello, world!"),
		URL:           &resp.URL,
		Mimetype:      proto.String("image/png"),
		FileLength:    &resp.FileLength,
		MediaKey:      resp.MediaKey,
		FileEncSHA256: resp.FileEncSHA256,
		FileSHA256:    resp.FileSHA256,

	_, err = w.client.SendMessage(ctx, toJID, &waE2E.Message{
		Conversation: &msg,
		ImageMessage: message,


Only one top-level type in waE2E.Message must be set. Conversation and ImageMessage are mutually exclusive.

thanks a lot man , respect your hard work 👍🏼