The verification code cannot appear.
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi, hello, I'm encountering a bit of an issue while using Whatsmeow. I've followed the example code, and I'm seeing the log message "19:11:13.070 [Client/Socket DEBUG] Dialing wss://", but there's been no further progress since then. No verification code has appeared. Have I made a mistake somewhere? I really need your assistance with this.
`package main
import (
_ ""
waLog ""
func eventHandler(evt interface{}) {
switch v := evt.(type) {
case *events.Message:
fmt.Println("Received a message!", v.Message.GetConversation())
func main() {
// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
// | NOTE: You must also import the appropriate DB connector, e.g. for SQLite |
// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
dbLog := waLog.Stdout("Database", "DEBUG", true)
container, err := sqlstore.New("sqlite3", "file:examplestore.db?_foreign_keys=on", dbLog)
if err != nil {
// If you want multiple sessions, remember their JIDs and use .GetDevice(jid) or .GetAllDevices() instead.
deviceStore, err := container.GetFirstDevice()
if err != nil {
clientLog := waLog.Stdout("Client", "DEBUG", true)
client := whatsmeow.NewClient(deviceStore, clientLog)
if client.Store.ID == nil {
// No ID stored, new login
qrChan, _ := client.GetQRChannel(context.Background())
err = client.Connect()
if err != nil {
for evt := range qrChan {
if evt.Event == "code" {
// Render the QR code here
// e.g. qrterminal.GenerateHalfBlock(evt.Code, qrterminal.L, os.Stdout)
// or just manually `echo 2@... | qrencode -t ansiutf8` in a terminal
fmt.Println("QR code:", evt.Code)
} else {
fmt.Println("Login event:", evt.Event)
} else {
// Already logged in, just connect
err = client.Connect()
if err != nil {
// Listen to Ctrl+C (you can also do something else that prevents the program from exiting)
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
select {}
I tried your code, it seems you are using the qrcode
method. But you didn't print it using qrterminal
Thank you very much for your reply. I don't quite understand what you mean by "printing" in qrterminal. Could you please explain it to me? I copied the example code, and I'm very grateful for your help.
You need to generate evt.Code
and print it on terminal
if evt.Event == "code" {
qrterminal.GenerateHalfBlock(evt.Code, qrterminal.L, os.Stdout)
Considering closing this issue.