cursor disappeared on both Emacs 29.2 and 30
AnabasisXu opened this issue · 1 comments
AnabasisXu commented
This happens on both Emacs 29.2 and 30.
Is there any set up that needs be done to the cursor specifically?
Package version:
;; Author: Feng Shu <>
;; Maintainer: Feng Shu <>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.7.7
;; Keywords: abbrev, convenience, matching, vertico
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.0") (posframe "1.4.0") (vertico "1.1"))
My config:
(use-package vertico-posframe
;; Different command can use different display function.
;; :init
(vertico-posframe-mode 1)
(setq vertico-posframe-parameters
'((left-fringe . 8)
(right-fringe . 8)))