[Feature request] Default rule set after installation
mdziczkowski opened this issue · 2 comments
Please modify the default rules with are shown in the fresh installed plugin that they block most of the "risky behaviours" instead of filter them.
For example:
- in the "Stop Facebook's outgoing link redirection service tracking" rule, the proposed valuse are:
- TLD: *
- Types: Any type
- Action: Block
- in the "Stop Google search link tracking", set the TLD to " * ", instead of listing all possible TLD's and action to "Block"
This way it would realy prevent it from working (filtering does not fulfill it's role)
Additionally, I propose to change the "Block ping and beacon" into "Block threads" and set values to:
- Pattern: All URLs
- Types: BeacStop Google search link trackingon, Ping, Speculative, WebSocket, Web Manifest, XBL, Other
- Action: Block
And so on
Pattern: All URLs
Types: […] WebSocket […]
Action: Block
WebSockets are used by a lot of sites. Blocking them by default means there will be a lot of "This add-ons break the internet" issues => a lot (new) users will test this add-on and uninstall it.
WebSockets are used by a lot of sites. Blocking them by default means there will be a lot of "This add-ons break the internet" issues => a lot (new) users will test this add-on and uninstall it.
I had used above only as examples to demonstrate my idea and make it easier to understand ;-)