
[FEATURE] [FRONTEND] Gamification badge leaderboard

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the user story:

As a user, I should be able to publish earned badges for public sharing. Published badges should also appear on a Wikonnect leaderboard.

Tasks (where applicable)

  • Fetch and list user's earned badges on a private page
  • Add logic for a user to publish badges so they can be shared with the public
  • Add a public achievements view that lists individual publicly shared badges.
  • Add a view and logic for Wikonnect leaderboard (public badges only)
  • Notify a user when they earn a badge*

Tests (where applicable)

  • User can view all their earned badges on a private page
  • Only published for share badges are available publicly
  • Only publicly shared badges are shown on Wikonnect leaderboard
  • Visual indicator is shown once they earn a badge *

Acceptance Criteria

  • A leaderboard that lists people with the most points and what badges
  • Earned badges should be private until the user decides to share with the public
  • Users can publish their badges to be available publicly

Screenshots where applicable

This is being worked on in this branch