
[FEATURE] [FRONTEND] Monitoring and Evaluation Surveys Management

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Describe the user story:

Admin creates an M&E survey on Google Forms and adds it on the Wikonnect platform. The form can be later shared with users when they perform a specific task on Wikonnect depending on survey availability.

The admin should be able to define:

  1. The specific task that should trigger administering the survey to a user
  2. The number of times the action should happen before the trigger
  3. Name of the survey
  4. Expiry of the survey
  5. Status of the survey (active or deactivated)
  6. Survey embed link (from a Google Form)

Tasks (where applicable)

  • Add a view and logic for adding M & E survey details above
  • Add view to list all available M & E surveys
  • Add logic to update M & E details
  • Add logic to delete an M & E survey info

Tests (where applicable)

  • Admin can view all created M & E surveys
  • Admin can create M & E survey
  • Admin can update M & E survey
  • Admin can delete M & E survey

Acceptance Criteria

  • Admin Should see a list of all M & E surveys
  • Admin Should be able to update all M & E surveys
  • Admin Should be able to create a new M & E survey

Screenshots where applicable