
[FEATURE] [BACKEND] Monitoring and Evaluation Surveys Management

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Describe the user story:

Admin should be able to add an M&E survey that can be later shared with users when they perform a specific task(s) on Wikonnect depending on it's availability.
An M&E survey payload contains:

  • The specific action that should trigger administering the survey to a user
  • The number of times the action should happen before the trigger
  • Name of the survey
  • Expiry of the survey
  • Status of the survey (active or deactivated)
  • Survey form embed link

Tasks (where applicable)

  • Add endpoint to create M&E survey
  • Add endpoint to fetch an M & E surveys by Id
  • Add endpoint to fetch all available M & E surveys
  • Add endpoint to update M & E survey details
  • Add endpoint to delete an M & E survey info

Tests (where applicable)

  • Admin can view, create, update , and delete M & E survey

Acceptance Criteria

  • Only user with appropriate permissions can create,update,delete M & E surveys
  • T.B.D

Screenshots where applicable