
Possible to make gain and volume knobs sticky on preset change?

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My mindset is avoiding getting blasted by loud noises while practicing, without needing to a knob-wiggle or headphone dance.

As discussed in #3 (comment)_ NUX themselves would have to implement a true master volume that effects presets globally (presumably along with bt, aux, and usb input.)

However, if on load of any given preset, the volume and gain were adjusted to current position of the gain and volume (did NUX make it possible to check current position?), it would act as a psuedo-master volume for internal fx at least. I'd welcome this option.

I realize this (1) doesnt make everything the same volume magically. (2) Is NOT what people want for performance (you'd set your presets to right volume). (3) As a workaround, all presets can be set to a low volume, or you can quicky wiggle the knobs when you change presets; or take off your headphones or turn down an inline volume control.