
TerrainLoader returns empty arrays when loading binary files

qbytx opened this issue · 1 comments

qbytx commented

First of all, thank you for your great blog post on the subject of three.js and terrain meshes.

I tried following your blog's instructions as closely as possible, but I cannot get your TerrainLoader to parse the binary files I created with GDAL. However, if I use the files from your blog in your repos (e.g., jotunheimen.bin) the TerrainLoader parses that just fine.

I am trying to use arbitrary geotiffs because I want to be able to use your method for several DEM's.

Let me walk you through my steps:

  1. I downloaded this topographic image of the earth

  2. I used GDAL to convert the jpeg to a geotiff with the following command:
    gdal_translate -a_srs WGS84 -a_ullr -180 +90 +180 -90 earth.jpg earth.tiff

  3. I used Gdalinfo to confirm the geotiff created had the correct metadata (it did)

  4. I used the command at the end of your blogpost to convert this geotiff to a binary file

gdal_translate -scale 982 1905 0 65535 -ot UInt16 -of ENVI earth.tif earth.bin

this created 3 files, including a .bin, I placed all three files in a directory in my node application, then I tried to load it using your TerrainLoader:

var terrainLoader = new THREE.TerrainLoader(); terrainLoader.load('./data/earth.bin', function(data) { console.log(data); });

And I get back an array of UInt16, but every index in the array is '0'. So there is no elevation data, any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'd really love to make this work!

qbytx commented

I was able to substitute terrainloader with geotiff.js and read the geotiff's directly rather than as binary file. I'm still interested in understanding how to make your terrainloader work / what I did wrong. : )