
ESLint plugin that checks for common chai.js expect() mistakes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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ESLint plugin that checks for common chai.js expect() mistakes


The recommended preset is for the ESLint legacy configuration system (.eslintrc.json). The recommended-flat configuration is for the new flat configuration system.


  • Node.js 6 or above
  • ESLint 4.x or 5.x or 6.x


npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-chai-expect


Legacy ESLint Configuration Format (.eslintrc.json)

Add a plugins section and specify chai-expect as a plugin:

  "plugins": [

Enable the rules that you would like to use:

  "rules": {
    "chai-expect/no-inner-compare": 2,
    "chai-expect/no-inner-literal": 2,
    "chai-expect/missing-assertion": 2,
    "chai-expect/terminating-properties": 2

Or, if you just want the above defaults, you can avoid all of the above and just extend the config:

  "extends": ["plugin:chai-expect/recommended"]

Flat ESLint Configuration Format (eslint.config.js)

Add a plugins section and specify chai-expect as a plugin and enable the rules that you would like to use:

import chaiExpectPlugin from 'eslint-plugin-chai-expect';

export default [
    "plugins": {
      "chai-expect": chaiExpectPlugin
    "rules": {
      "chai-expect/no-inner-compare": 2,
      "chai-expect/no-inner-literal": 2,
      "chai-expect/missing-assertion": 2,
      "chai-expect/terminating-properties": 2

Or, if you just want the above defaults, you can avoid all of the above and just extend the config:

import chaiExpectPlugin from 'eslint-plugin-chai-expect';

export default [
    // ...


  • no-inner-compare - Prevent using comparisons in the expect() argument
  • no-inner-literal - Prevent using literals in the expect() argument (undefined, null, NaN, (+|-)Infinity, this, booleans, numbers, strings, and BigInt or regex literals)
  • missing-assertion - Prevent calling expect(...) without an assertion like .to.be.ok
  • terminating-properties - Prevent calling to.be.ok and other assertion properties as functions

Additional configuration

terminating-properties rule

A number of extensions to chai add additional terminating properties. For example chai-http adds:

  • headers
  • html
  • ip
  • json
  • redirect
  • text

The terminating-properties rule can be configured to ensure these (or other) additional properties are not used as functions:

  "rules": {
    "chai-expect/terminating-properties": ["error", {
      "properties": ["headers", "html", "ip", "json", "redirect", "test"]


eslint-plugin-chai-expect is licensed under the MIT License.