
Problems while creating internal links

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Dear all,

I am using this nice plugin for a longer time. Unfortunately there is some trouble if I want to create an internal links on a sub-ns page: I want to link on a page of the main namespace, but that´s not possible. If I use the link assistent and choose the correct page, dokuwiki places the sub-ns in front of the linked page...

I don't understand this. Ckgedit creates internal links using the complete namespace:
It doesn't matter where you are.
2017-06-13 09_55_46-playground_test mturner org

I hope the following screenshots point up my problem...

Creating the link:


I'm afraid this doesn't help to understand your problem. Here is a video showing how to create internal links:

I know how create links und i do it excactly as shown in the video but it doesn´t work. :(

I want to link the page "start" on my page called pb:test. But the link is not to the page "start" but to the page "pb:start". So the editor writes the current namespace in front of the name of the linked page. This is why I can not link to pages of the root-namespace oder any other namespaces...

I hope this explanation will help you to understand my problem...

Install and test this using the manual tab of the extension manager:

The above assumes that any link without an initial colon is a member of the current namespace, So if you are currently in the :devel namespace, the following faq:tools will give you :devel:faq:tools. The following: :faq:sidebar will assume that faq is a namespace in the root directory and :start is a page in the root directory, whereas start is a page in the current namespace.

Sorry, but it does not work... :(

The problem exists nonetheless.

Are any incompatibilities with any other plugins known?

It's been tested in both FF and Chrome multiple times. Clear your browser cache. Use another browser, also clear its cache. Are you using https://github.com/turnermm/ckgdoku/archive/ilinkt.zip ?

This clip starts out by showing you that you are in the playground namespace, creates an internal link in the root directory named :intro, then an internal link named links, which without the leading colon is created as :playground:links. Then it switches to the browser and shows that these links work.

It works... Thanks a lot!

I've merged it into the master.