
Multiple Measures?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

@turnerniles - any chance you have plans to support (or have talked with the quick-pivot team about) multiple measures? Aka, the ability to perform aggregation on more than one field?

We had discussed it but weren't sure if it was worth the effort (if anyone would use it). @zheath Are you envisioning something like this?
screen shot 2017-11-08 at 1 17 54 pm

@pat310 - yes, this is exactly correct.

@turnerniles @zheath It seems essentially, each additional aggregator/measure gets appended as another pivot to the right of the previous aggregator/measure pivot. And then we would also need to have multiple column totals.

Looking at a PivotTable.js issue as a reference, other contributors, have implemented multiple measure support but it was never implemented in PivotTable.js because PivotTable.js wasn't designed to support multiple measures/aggregators.

It adds some complexity to the quick-pivot and from a react-virtualized-pivot perspective we will have to add the ability to add multiple aggregators.