When turnitin submissions are down, it causes moodle session locks when users can't submit
kristian-94 opened this issue · 2 comments
On Apr 27, 2020 there was an Issue with access and submission where users were unable to submit https://turnitin.statuspage.io/ .
This caused many session locks for users in moodle becuase they were waiting for a response from turnitin:
PHP message: Cannot obtain session lock within 120. It is likely another page has a long session lock, or the session lock was never released.#012 PHP message: Default exception handler: error/Unable to obtain session lock Debug: #012 Error code: Unable to obtain session lock request: "POST /plagiarism/turnitin/ajax.php HTTP/1.1
In the /plagiarism/turnitin/ajax.php page we make a syncronous call to turnitin that expects a response and the moodle session is locked while we wait for this.
This code should be changed to timeout quicker, use an async task, or enable a read only session https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-58018 so that the session doesn't need to be locked waiting for a response from turnitin.