Error with submissions: XML Response could not be parsed
MYGawish opened this issue · 2 comments
Integration of turnitin plagiarism plugin with Moodle.
Although, I have installed and tested the Turnitin Moodle Direct V2 and Turnitin Plagiarism plugins successfully with the message "Moodle has successfully connected to Turnitin". There is an error which prevents any request to be carried out in Turnitin.
I face this error with submissions of Moodle assignment activity only. Turnitin assignment activity is working well.
The following is an example of the error:
Fault Code: responsexmlerror | File: ...\plagiarism\turnitin\vendor\Integrations\phpsdk-package\src\Response.php | Line: 45 | Message: XML Response could not be parsed | Code: 0
2020-06-21 13:40:17 +0200 (REQUEST) - User 4825 (1103458571) joined to class (25277010)
2020-06-21 13:40:19 +0200 (REQUEST) - Turnitin Assignment updated - id: 93494332
2020-06-21 13:40:20 +0200 (API_ERROR) - There was an error trying to create the submission in Turnitin
Thanks in advance
Hey @MYGawish - good to hear. What was the issue?