
Support for array parameter in "WHERE IN" clause

Shogobg opened this issue · 1 comments

I have the following code:

import { Client as LibsqlClient, createClient } from '@libsql/client/web';
const res = await client.execute({
	sql: 'SELECT * FROM watched_videos WHERE videoId IN (:videos) LIMIT 10;',
	args: { videos: ['--0zLNUmhRI', '--1AEHcLmuk'] },

Expected behavior:
Given the table has more than 2 records and the records with videoId '--0zLNUmhRI' and '--1AEHcLmuk' exist, the query should return two rows containing the corresponding videoId.

Actual result - no records are returned:

    "columns": [
    "columnTypes": [
    "rows": [],
    "rowsAffected": 0,
    "lastInsertRowid": null

I've looked at the code libsql, and it seems that currently there is no support for an array of values as argument, like the above.

The expected args type for the .execute() function seems to be defined here:

export interface Client {
/** Execute a single SQL statement.
* Every statement executed with this method is executed in its own logical database connection. If you
* want to execute a group of statements in a transaction, use the {@link batch} or the {@link
* transaction} methods.
* ```javascript
* // execute a statement without arguments
* const rs = await client.execute("SELECT * FROM books");
* // execute a statement with positional arguments
* const rs = await client.execute({
* sql: "SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = ?",
* args: ["Jane Austen"],
* });
* // execute a statement with named arguments
* const rs = await client.execute({
* sql: "SELECT * FROM books WHERE published_at > $year",
* args: {year: 1719},
* });
* ```
execute(stmt: InStatement): Promise<ResultSet>;

export type Value = null | string | number | bigint | ArrayBuffer;
export type InValue = Value | boolean | Uint8Array | Date;
export type InStatement = { sql: string; args: InArgs } | string;
export type InArgs = Array<InValue> | Record<string, InValue>;

From what I'm understanding, the args interface is coming from the libsql package, because .execute() is internally calling executeStmt()

async execute(
stmtOrSql: InStatement | string,
args?: InArgs,
): Promise<ResultSet> {
let stmt: InStatement;
if (typeof stmtOrSql === "string") {
stmt = {
sql: stmtOrSql,
args: args || [],
} else {
stmt = stmtOrSql;
return executeStmt(this.#getDb(), stmt, this.#intMode);

and executeStmt() is passing the args down to the libsql db object via the .all() and/or the .run() functions:

function executeStmt(
db: Database.Database,
stmt: InStatement,
intMode: IntMode,
): ResultSet {
let sql: string;
let args: Array<unknown> | Record<string, unknown>;
if (typeof stmt === "string") {
sql = stmt;
args = [];
} else {
sql = stmt.sql;
if (Array.isArray(stmt.args)) {
args = stmt.args.map((value) => valueToSql(value, intMode));
} else {
args = {};
for (const name in stmt.args) {
const argName =
name[0] === "@" || name[0] === "$" || name[0] === ":"
? name.substring(1)
: name;
args[argName] = valueToSql(stmt.args[name], intMode);
try {
const sqlStmt = db.prepare(sql);
let returnsData = true;
try {
} catch {
// raw() throws an exception if the statement does not return data
returnsData = false;
if (returnsData) {
const columns = Array.from(
sqlStmt.columns().map((col) => col.name),
const columnTypes = Array.from(
sqlStmt.columns().map((col) => col.type ?? ""),
const rows = sqlStmt.all(args).map((sqlRow) => {
return rowFromSql(sqlRow as Array<unknown>, columns, intMode);
// TODO: can we get this info from better-sqlite3?
const rowsAffected = 0;
const lastInsertRowid = undefined;
return new ResultSetImpl(
} else {
const info = sqlStmt.run(args);
const rowsAffected = info.changes;
const lastInsertRowid = BigInt(info.lastInsertRowid);
return new ResultSetImpl([], [], [], rowsAffected, lastInsertRowid);
} catch (e) {
throw mapSqliteError(e);

I'm not smart enough to understand whats happening after, but it seems to be related to these files:



Interestingly, this file contains an example using the 'WHERE IN' clause, but I'm not sure if we can use this somehow.

Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 02 10 45

I ended up writing a custom util/helper function to transform the named placeholders:

export function transformNamedArgsToPositionalArgs({
}: {
  sql: string;
  args: Record<string, InValue | string[]>;
}): { sql: string; args: InValue[] } {
  const positionalArgs: InValue[] = [];
  const transformedSql = sql.replace(/(:\w+)/g, (match) => {
    const argName = match.substring(1);
    const argValue = args[argName];

    if (argValue === undefined) {
      throw new Error(`Missing argument for ${argName}`);

    if (Array.isArray(argValue)) {
      return argValue.map(() => '?').join(', ');

    return '?';

  return { sql: transformedSql, args: positionalArgs };


const res = await client.execute(transformNamedArgsToPositionalArgs({
	sql: 'SELECT * FROM watched_videos WHERE videoId IN (:videos) LIMIT 10;',
	args: { videos: ['--0zLNUmhRI', '--1AEHcLmuk'] },