
New Tag Did Not Show Up From Existing Note

potatoOnion opened this issue · 0 comments


  1. Created 2 Notes (note1 and note2). There were already a few other notes and a few tags set up by this point. Both note1 and note2 given a few existing tags.
  2. Created 2 more notes (inconsequential probably but that is what I did)
  3. Went back to note1. Added a new tag (newtag1).
  4. Created a new note. Added a few existing tags and created another new tag (newtag2).
  5. Went to note2 and edited to add newtag1. There was no entry for newtag1. I did not see newtag2 either.

Additional detail: All of the above was done in the same session (didn't close out of app).