
Stay logged in doesn't always work on Android

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Example usage with problem behaviour:

  • Network is available
  • Login to turtl normally, with"stay logged in" ticked
  • Go back to Android home screen, drop network, do other stuff
  • Go back to turtl
  • Sometimes we get the "disconnected from turtl server […]" message
  • Eventually it drops back to the login screen, nothing filled in except the "stay logged in" tick.
    Expected behaviour:
  • Stay logged in until explicit logout from settings menu or a long time has passed.

Last few lines from the debug log
2021-06-22T20:15:44 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch::dispatch_event() – sync:connected
2021-06-22T20:15:45 - [INFO][turtl_core::sync::incoming] SyncIncoming.sync_from_api() – unknown IO error kind: Other
2021-06-22T20:15:45 - [ERROR][turtl_core::sync] sync::runner() – incoming: main loop: {“err”:{“message”:“failed to lookup address information: No address associated with hostname”,“type”:“io_error”},“file”:“src/sync/incoming.rs”,“line”:198,“wrapped”:true}
2021-06-22T20:15:45 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch::dispatch_event() – sync:connected
2021-06-22T20:15:46 - [INFO][turtl_core::sync::incoming] SyncIncoming.sync_from_api() – unknown IO error kind: Other
2021-06-22T20:15:46 - [ERROR][turtl_core::sync] sync::runner() – incoming: main loop: {“err”:{“message”:“failed to lookup address information: No address associated with hostname”,“type”:“io_error”},“file”:“src/sync/incoming.rs”,“line”:198,“wrapped”:true}
2021-06-22T20:15:46 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch::dispatch_event() – sync:connected
2021-06-22T20:15:51 - [INFO][turtl_core] main::init() – created data folder: /data/user/0/com.lyonbros.turtl/files/core
2021-06-22T20:15:51 - [INFO][turtl_core] main::start() – begin
2021-06-22T20:15:51 - [INFO][turtl_core::messaging] messaging::start() – main loop
2021-06-22T20:15:51 - [INFO][turtl_core::messaging] messaging::ui_event() – messaging:ready
2021-06-22T20:15:51 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch(1): app:api:set-endpoint
2021-06-22T20:15:51 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch(2): user:login-from-saved
2021-06-22T20:15:51 - [INFO][turtl_core::models::user] User::restore_login() – restored login from "/data/user/0/com.lyonbros.turtl/files/core/1.login"
2021-06-22T20:15:52 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch(3): app:api:get-endpoint
2021-06-22T20:15:52 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch(4): app:api:get-old-endpoint
2021-06-22T20:16:29 - [INFO][turtl_core::dispatch] dispatch(5): app:get-log

It's as if it's restarting and losing the login data?? It says "restored login" but clearly hadn't.

Client version android-
Server is self-hosted, git commit 0e59ee0a47fc5937600999d14ceb1aca6392aec8
Android 9 on a Huawei Honor 8A (model JAT-L29).