
Add a setting for disabling/moderating the registration of new users

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I am running a self-hosted instance of the Turtl server and I'd need a setting to control the creation of new accounts, either by completely disabling it (my user set is quite small and I can disable new users once all of my users have created an account) or by moderating it. I searched for such options but I didn't find any. Am I overlooking something or is this feature really missing (and eventually going to be implemented)? Thanks.

I second this. Most other apps I'm hosting on my server have simple setting in the config to disable public registration.

@mark4409 I moved away from Turtl since it's evidently unmaintained. I cannot wait for a dead project to resurrect and implement the minimum security features like this. Currently I'm fine with Joplin even if it lacks encrypted shared notes (something that only Turtl seem to have) and is way heavier than Turtl (both server and especially the clients).

There's standard notes?

I did wonder if this was unmaintained. I've just opened another issue regarding the fact it doesn't appear to support above nodesj 12 - which it seems is out of support next April. A security based app should really be striving to support the current active LTS version. Every other nodeJS based app on my server already has full support for v16.

As I said, it's evidently unmaintained:
A real pity, such a clean and lightweight app with unique features (Standard Notes does not support encrypted shared notes, no other app seems to do so).

PRs welcome.

@orthecreedence I don't have time to engage with a new project, it would mean to learn a new language and a new API. It cannot be done every time one needs a feature. That's why there are users and there are developers. And anyway PRs welcome. doesn't help at all in making people eager to contribute.

But please don't misinterpret my words: here I'm not pretending you to develop what I want and do it now, I'm well aware that FOSS projects are a gift and that nothing can be demanded apart from what developers freely choose to give. I'm a FOSS supporter and really grateful to all FOSS developers including you, I was just sad about the state of a wonderful project that seems in a bad state and that unfortunately I cannot help.