
Screen stuck on "Loading Notes"

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Today I tried adding a note. I clicked save and it didn't show up. I logged out and back in and it's stuck on "Loading notes" .

I've tried different devices. Tried backing up and restoring onto a new account and nothing has worked.

When I do "restore" the backup it does seem to count the number of notes that were saved and says restored successfully but still stuck on "Loading notes"

Has anyone come across this issue?

I also started to experience this issue after several years of using Turtl. I have found out that deleting a few of the last added notes helps. Often it was possible to narrow the issue down to a single note after several attempts of adding them back and restarting the application. Had no time to investigate further what was special about those notes but my notes are usually bookmarked URLs from the browser extension. Currently gave up on the "loading notes" screen and just using individual boards and not All notes. Luckily all my notes are assigned to a board, but if yours are not, I guess you could still try deleting a note in an export file and restoring.