
Locust master/slave running in Elasticbeanstalk

Primary LanguageShell


This is just a start. It currently only creates the master node for a locust application. Work still needs to be done to create the slave cluster which points back to the master env's EndpointURL. I think all of that can be done by building on the CloudFormation template.

Setting Up

Create the S3 bucket used to store the package zip.
The Cloudformation template looks for a bucket named locust-<AWSAccountId>.

aws s3 mb s3://locust-975590397174


git archive -v -o locust.zip --format=zip HEAD
aws s3 cp locust.zip s3://locust-975590397174/


aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name locust \
  --template-body file://$PWD/template.yaml \
  --parameters ParameterKey=TargetUrl,ParameterValue=http://www.google.com \
    ParameterKey=LocustFilePath,ParameterValue=/locust/locustfile.py \
  --on-failure DELETE \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Check the status of the stack.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name locust

Copy the OutputValue from the EndpointURL output key. Open that sucker up in a browser.

You should see

Cleaning up

Teardown the application

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name locust

Delete the contents of the bucket

aws rm s3://locust-975590397174/ --recursive