
Request for uploading Dependencies

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I had my TB4 lite clean-installed. Because I had some connection problems and in troubleshooting progress, therefore I thought overwriting the latest TB4 lite image(ver. 0.1.3) on my TB4 is the best way to solve problems.
After overwriting image, I had completed setting connection between Raspberry Pi 4 and 5GHz AP, between iCreate3 and 2.4GHz AP.
with "nmap -sP ..." command, I could find IP addresses from both TB4 lite and iCreate3. But there were no what looks like some name or label(Ubuntu or Create-XXXX)
I think the inside dependencies from my TB4 has been removed or not installed, so TB4 could not boot properly.

In summary, I need some dependencies from 'turtlebot/turtlebot4'. I could not run turtlebot4_setup commands without those dependencies. Or if there are other ways which is not uploaded on user manual, please let me know.

Thank you!

Screenshot from 2022-11-03 10-32-59

@escortKwon The 0.1.3 image comes with the turtlebot4_robot package pre-installed via debian, so installing it from source is not necessary. That said, the source installation steps are outdated, and the dependencies.repos file does not exist anymore. I will update the manual.

Additionally, the robot_upstart job should already be installed by default. You can check the service status by calling sudo systemctl status turtlebot4.

If you wish to re-install it, I recommend following these instructions.

@roni-kreinin First of all, Thank you for letting me know that I don't have to configure dependencies anymore.

And, I have checked the TB4 status by calling sudo systemctl status turtlebot4 and the result is as follows
Screenshot from 2022-11-04 08-44-52

Also, I have called nmap -sP ***.***.***.*** again for detecting RB4 and iCreate3 simultaneously. The good news is that I can detect both of them, but the bad news is that there're no any names by each IP address. Could I get some any solutions? (BTW, I have clean-installed by overwriting RB4 SD card on my TB4 lite!)

  • - iCreate3 Robot
  • - RP4 on TB4

Screenshot from 2022-11-04 08-50-23

In summary, I can detect both RP4 and iCreate3 by calling nmap, but there're no any topic called /ipon my Remote PC. I just installed Ubuntu 20.04.5 & ROS2 Galactic on my Remote PC. Do I need to configure more packages on my Remote PC?

Thank you for you efforts!

Are you able to see any ROS2 topics on your PC? And what about on the RPi4?

Both of them can display running topics on ROS2. But it seems abnormal on my Remote PC
Screenshot from 2022-11-08 15-02-23
Screenshot from 2022-11-08 15-02-26
The upper one is captured from Remote PC and the other one is from RPi4

@escortKwon Did you apply the DontRoute configuration to CycloneDDS as described here?

@roni-kreinin Absolutely, this is my cyclonedds_pc.xml for now.
Screenshot from 2022-11-17 08-35-16


And this snippet is from CycloneDDS GitHub Issue I've made. (Configuring ROS2 on Turtlebot4) Also, for now, I'm running a single TB4, therefore I dropped <NetworkInterfaceAddress>wlp0s20f3</NetworkInterfaceAddress>

Using FastDDS discovery server, issue has been resolved. Refer to this link.