
generateUrl always returns http protocol

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I setup tus server in my node project with a custom path.
The problem I found is that on my server the generateUrl function didn't return https as a protocol what made the client fail because it got a 301 code.
I checked the function that should return the right protocol but I can't see that it ever would return https:

protected extractHostAndProto(req: http.IncomingMessage) {
let proto
let host
if (this.options.respectForwardedHeaders) {
const forwarded = req.headers.forwarded as string | undefined
if (forwarded) {
host ??= reForwardedHost.exec(forwarded)?.[1]
proto ??= reForwardedProto.exec(forwarded)?.[1]
const forwardHost = req.headers['x-forwarded-host']
const forwardProto = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto']
// @ts-expect-error we can pass undefined
if (['http', 'https'].includes(forwardProto)) {
proto ??= forwardProto as string
host ??= forwardHost
host ??= req.headers.host
proto ??= 'http'
return {host: host as string, proto}

Could it be that that is a bug?

Thanks for the quick response Murderlon.
I actually just run my app in a docker container and my hosting provider (railway.app)
is handling the certificate and networking.
Should the protocol not then come from the request?

If whatever is making requests to your tus server is on the same domain, easiest would be to use relativeLocation.

Ok perfect thank you Murderlon! I will do that then.