
Drush in multisites

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Hi there.

In the individuel netbeansproject, it is possible to set the path to the drupal-installation (the root), if you for example are running multisites.

But trying to run drush, its telling me that its looking for settings.php in the sites/default -folder. Theres is no one, because its in the sites/

Is there a way to workaround this?


All you need to do is put the URI for the site in the host field on the Drush window. This passes the argument to the CLI the same way that drush does.

Hi Jamie.

Thanks for the reply. - I tried your tip, but apparently drush is is trying to run from a wrong folder!? Here is the error, after trying to get a 'status' (st) :

EXECUTE: /usr/local/Cellar/drush/5.4/libexec/drush -r /Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7 --include=/Users/bilde/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush --uri=core.loc -y st
The drush command 'Support/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush st' could not be      [ERROR] found. Run drush cache-clear drush to clear the commandfile cache if you have installed new extensions.
Execution complete in 0.975325 seconds

Isen't it linking the drush command path wrong? (Support/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush) ?

It looks like the problem is with spaces in the paths. Can you try this version and see if it works?


Hi Jamie.

I have tried again after upgrading to version 2.0.11 of nddt, without any change. It still trying to run drush like from a wrong place!?

EXECUTE: /usr/local/Cellar/drush/5.4/libexec/drush -r '/Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7' --include='/Users/bilde/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush' --uri=core.loc -y st
The drush command 'Support/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush' st' could not be      [ERROR] found. Run drush cache-clear drush to clear the commandfile cache if you have installed new extensions.
The directory '/Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7' does not contain a      [ERROR] valid Drupal installation
Execution complete in 0.416519 seconds

Got another one for you to try. You'll have to update your Drush path in the settings to where the Drush executable actually exists (do a whereis drush from the command line):


The problem is with spaces in the parameters and how Java's CommandProcessor handles them. If this doesn't work then I might have to look into switching over to a different method to invoke command line stuff, which won't be easy.

Hi again Jamie.

We are getting a little closer now. - You seem to have fixed the space-in-path-issue in your latest version you sent me.

However drush in nddt doesent seem to find the database!?

Here is the output from iside NetBeans's drush-terminal:

EXECUTE: /usr/local/Cellar/drush/5.4/libexec/drush -r '/Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7' --include='/Users/bilde/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush' --uri=core.loc -y status
PHP configuration : /Applications/MAMP/conf/php5.3/php.ini
Drush version : 5.4
Drush configuration : /Users/bilde/.drush/drushrc.php
Drush alias files : /Users/bilde/.drush/aliases.drushrc.php

Execution complete in 0.363057 seconds

And here is the 'coorect' output from my mac's terminal when running: /usr/local/Cellar/drush/5.4/libexec/drush -r '/Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7' --include='/Users/bilde/Library/Application Support/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush' --uri=core.loc -y status

Drupal version : 7.15
Site URI : core.loc
Database driver : mysql
Database hostname :
Database username : root
Database name : D7_core
Database : Connected
Drupal bootstrap : Successful
Drupal user : Anonymous
Default theme : bartik
Administration theme : seven
PHP configuration : /Applications/MAMP/conf/php5.3/php.ini
Drush version : 5.4
Drush configuration : /Users/bilde/.drush/drushrc.php
Drush alias files : /Users/bilde/.drush/aliases.drushrc.php
Drupal root : /Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7
Site path : sites/core.loc
File directory path : sites/core.loc/files
temp : /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php

I can't really figure out, why NDDT's drush aint finding the project-info..- The same issue consist with non-multisites in Netbeans 7.2 on mac.

Ok, did a bunch of changes to escape spaces and that. See how this one works out:


Thanks Jamie. That last one did the trick!

Here is how the drush command ended up looking:

EXECUTE: /usr/local/Cellar/drush/5.4/libexec/drush -r /Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7 --include=/Users/bilde/Library/Application\sSupport/NetBeans/7.2/NBDrush --uri=core.loc -y status

Drupal version : 7.15
Site URI : core.loc
Database driver : mysql
Database hostname :
Database username : root
Database name : D7_core
Database : Connected
Drupal bootstrap : Successful
Drupal user : Anonymous
Default theme : bartik
Administration theme : seven
PHP configuration : /Applications/MAMP/conf/php5.3/php.ini
Drush version : 5.4
Drush configuration : /Users/bilde/.drush/drushrc.php
Drush alias files : /Users/bilde/.drush/aliases.drushrc.php

Drupal root : /Users/bilde/Sites/drupal/drupal7
Site path : sites/core.loc
File directory path : sites/core.loc/files
temp : /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php

Execution complete in 0.946751 seconds

I don't know if it was excluding the ''-signs in the execute-path or the '\s' in the path, but it works like it should now!

Once again thanks for this great tool, and for the kind support.


Awesome! I just pushed out the full 2.0.11 release.