
A quick and powerful plugin for your pull-to-refresh needs in your webapp.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status NPM version CDNJS


A small, but powerful Javascript library crafted to power your webapp's pull to refresh feature. No markup needed, highly customizable and dependency-free!


Download PulltoRefresh either from the NPM Registry, CDNJS or UNPKG:

$ npm install pulltorefreshjs --save-dev
$ cat https://unpkg.com/pulltorefreshjs@0.1.15/dist/pulltorefresh.js

Include the JS file in your webapp and initialize it:

const ptr = PullToRefresh.init({
  mainElement: 'body',
  onRefresh() {

Bundlers can consume pulltorefreshjs as CommonJS and ES6-modules syntax:

import PullToRefresh from 'pulltorefreshjs';
// or
const PullToRefresh = require('pulltorefreshjs');


  • init(options) Will return a unique ptr-instance with a destroy() method.
  • destroyAll() Stop and remove all registered ptr-instances.
  • setPassiveMode(isPassive) Enable or disable passive mode for event handlers (new instances only).


  • distThreshold (integer) Minimum distance required to trigger the refresh.
    — Defaults to 60
  • distMax (integer) Maximum distance possible for the element.
    — Defaults to 80
  • distReload (integer) After the distThreshold is reached and released, the element will have this height.
    — Defaults to 50
  • distIgnore (integer) After which distance should we start pulling?
    — Defaults to 0
  • mainElement (string) Before which element the pull to refresh elements will be?
    — Defaults to body
  • triggerElement (string) Which element should trigger the pull to refresh?
    — Defaults to body
  • ptrElement (string) Which class will the main element have?
    — Defaults to .ptr
  • classPrefix (string) Which class prefix for the elements?
    — Defaults to ptr--
  • cssProp (string) Which property will be usedto calculate the element's proportions?
    — Defaults to min-height
  • iconArrow (string) The icon for both instructionsPullToRefresh and instructionsReleaseToRefresh
    — Defaults to ⇣
  • iconRefreshing (string) The icon when the refresh is in progress.
    — Defaults to …
  • instructionsPullToRefresh (string) The initial instructions string.
    — Defaults to Pull down to refresh
  • instructionsReleaseToRefresh (string) The instructions string when the distThreshold has been reached.
    — Defaults to Release to refresh
  • instructionsRefreshing (string) The refreshing text.
    — Defaults to Refreshing
  • refreshTimeout (integer) The delay, in milliseconds before the onRefresh is triggered.
    — Defaults to 500
  • getMarkup (function) It returns the default HTML for the widget, __PREFIX__ is replaced.
    — See src/lib/markup.js
  • getStyles (function) It returns the default CSS for the widget, __PREFIX__ is replaced.
    — See src/lib/styles.js
  • onInit (function) The initialize function.
  • onRefresh (function) What will the pull to refresh trigger? You can return a promise.
    — Defaults to window.location.reload()
  • resistanceFunction (function) The resistance function, accepts one parameter, must return a number, capping at 1.
    — Defaults to t => Math.min(1, t / 2.5)
  • shouldPullToRefresh (function) Which condition should be met for pullToRefresh to trigger?
    — Defaults to !window.scrollY


To quickly start the development workflow:

  1. Install NodeJS (NVM)
  2. Run nvm use 10 && npm install
  3. Then npm run dev

This will watch and compile the bundle for browser usage.

E2E tests are executed with Testcafé.

  • Run npm test to use standard chrome
  • Run npm run test:ci to run chrome in headless mode

Advanced debug can be achieved with testcafe-live, e.g.

$ npx testcafe-live chrome tests/e2e/cases --debug-on-fail


If you find this project helpful, please consider supporting the maintenance team!


  • More events: onPullStart, onPullDown(direction, willRefresh), onRelease(willRefresh)
  • Fully customizable CSS
  • Gallery of use cases
  • Advanced demos
  • Tests
  • Minified releases