

Fancy11111 opened this issue · 2 comments


Too guarantee that every person can use the tools we should try to make everything as accessible as possible.
As a reference/guide/goal we could use the WCAG Guidelines that are provided by W3C.


I'll list some rough points from there, leaving out a few that don't really make sense for us:

These are just the 4 main points that really stuck out for me, but this is open for discussion.


I am not really sure what the correct way to tackle this issue is.
Some points that I'm unsure about.

  1. Is going through each tool and page one-by-one the correct way?
  2. Should we build some kind of small component lib which try to place stuff like aria-labels correctly?
  3. How do we make sure that pages/tools/functionalities implemented at a later date meet all of the goals described above.

I think 2 could positively benefit 3.


Oh lol, I just found out that LaTeX isn't exactly accessible

(The usual way of noticing that is when you try to copy paste something and end up realizing that the spacing is just broken)

Readable is not a top priority as of now