
Polygon count stays at 5

parkerlreed opened this issue · 8 comments

Just updated from git. Was a new method implemented? Either the polygon count is bugged and says 5 all the time or maybe it's just using only 5 polygons? When I started the render it jumped up to around 30 but then leveled out to 5.

tux3 commented

I'm working on implementing EvoLisa's mutation algorithm (roughly), and the mutation that deletes polygon forgot to update the poly count. So it shows 5 polys but you actually have hundreds of them.

The bug should be fixed now.

No new commits yet... :P Thanks for the help.

tux3 commented

It's pushing right now !
..And done

I'll move my 'experiments' in another branch, sorry for the trouble.

Woohoo! Thanks again.

... now it seems to have stopped at 100. Selecting a new region doesn't do anything and it doesn't look like it's modifying any existing polygons.

tux3 commented

Pull again !

It's going to be slower than the 1.2 for the moment though. I haven't optimized the new mutation code, and the default settings are barely tested.

:) thanks. Is the new algorithm better? It's sure slower but if it results in a better image then I'm happy.

tux3 commented

Not just yet. At least I don't think so.