
[feature request] Configuration of ScrollPixelDistance

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munix9 commented

I have a TUXEDO InfinityBook S 17 Gen7 with openSUSE Tumbleweed and KDE Plasma.

The scroll speed of the touchpad with two fingers was too fast for me.
There seem to be several ways to solve this, but I didn't find anything in the KDE settings themselves.

The first possible solution:
$ xinput --set-prop "13" "libinput Scrolling Pixel Distance" 40
This can be done by the logged in user in KDE, no root privileges are needed.
The value itself may be between 10 and 50.

The second solution:
Put a file e.g. 99-tuxedo.conf with the following content in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/:

# based on /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf
# ScrollPixelDistance
# range 10..50 (faster..slower)
# default 15
# see also
#   xinput --list
#   xinput --list-props 13
#   xinput --set-prop "13" "libinput Scrolling Pixel Distance" 40
#   man libinput
Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "libinput touchpad tuxedo"
        MatchDriver "libinput"
        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Option "ScrollPixelDistance" "40"

Note: The values are valid for my notebook, but I think it should also work for identical ones.

My feature request:
It would be nice if this configuration could be done within tuxedo-control-center. The xorg.conf variant is a bit inflexible, because it is only active after a reboot or x11 restart (wayland?).
With xinput it would be more flexible because it is active immediately.
Or a similar possibility with direct access to libinput.

Consideration of different touchpad ids, manufacturers, etc. must be ensured, of course.