
Security Alert on MD5 and SHA-1 Hash Functions Usage

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear Open Source Project Maintainer,

cryptocheck tool has detected the use of MD5 and SHA-1 hash functions within the project. The following security advisory is provided:

MD5 and SHA-1 are no longer secure and are vulnerable to collision attacks.
Immediate discontinuation of these hash functions is recommended.
SHA-256 or other more secure hash algorithms are advised for use.
Please take the following actions:

Identify all code segments utilizing MD5 and SHA-1.
Update these segments to use SHA-256.
Update the project development guidelines to prohibit future use of MD5 and SHA-1.
Addressing this issue promptly is essential to ensure the security of the project.

cryptocheck Team

Thank you for your feedback, we will solve this issue soon