
Does this polyfill works for chrome version 38 ?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I see there are errors for reflect.js in my console.
Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 3 41 10 PM

Yes, this polyfill should work on chrome v38, but as noted in the readme:

Chrome (>= v19 && <= v37) used to support proxies behind a flag (chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony) but Chrome v38 removed the Proxy constructor. As a result, this library cannot patch the harmony-era Proxy object on Chrome v38 or above.

Can you post more diagnostics on the error (including a full stack trace)? Does the error appear only on Chrome v38 or also on newer/latest releases?

To clarify, this library cannot properly emulate ES6+ Proxy objects on Chrome v38, but can support the Reflect API.

I mainly wanted this polyfill for Proxy.

Thanks for reply!