[FEATURE] Support for package manager
nerd190 opened this issue · 3 comments
What is the name of the package manager you would like to see support for?
("pkg install")
💡 As it is used by all "FreeBSD" unix distros (theres alot!) and as an added bonus, its also the same for Termux on Android.
Thats two more for the price of one! 🤣
What operating systems or derivative does this package manager support?
- Windows
- Mac
- Linux
- Redox
- iOS
- Android
- Other, namely:
If Linux, is it only for a specific distro?
- Yes, namely:
- No
What type of package manager is this?
- Programming language specific (e.g. Cargo for Rust)
- General purpose (e.g. APT on Debian)
- Other, namely:
Are administrator priviliges required? (sudo, etc.)
- Yes
- No
Thank you!
Thank you, this was good as alot of systems were covered in one.
Side-note: The BSD/Android logos look good in the readme too!
After some research, the only pkg managers I can find that you dont support is:
- Perl:
- cpan install
- cpanm install
- Lua:
- luarocks install
I do not use them personally, but they are very popular programming languages.
Perhaps If they were added, some impressive stats could be put in the readme...
Random Examples:
- Out of the top 10 operating systems, we cover 90% of them!
- Out of the top 20 programming languages (that have pkg managers) we cover 96% of them!
I'll see about integrating those as well, thanks! Also great idea about the stats in the README, I'll have to found a proper source for those stats though.
@tversteeg a great source of credible stats from devs would be StackOverflow's yearly global survey, it has stats like "most popular", "most loved", "most wanted" etc... for both languages and operating systems, the only thing it really lacks is breaking down the stats for unix OS's, that one stat can wait till I find a credible source for it. The rest: StackOverflow Survey 2020