
Select Scanner Crash

Closed this issue · 1 comments


This is a follow up to my forum post. I attempted to reply with the information below but it never posted, hence I created this issue.

Initial issue:
I downloaded the Scanner (AKA Bridge) and Application and during setup I attempted to "Select Scanner..." but the application crashes ("Not Responding").

After forum post:
I have modified "source/TwainDirect.Scanner/app.config" per Erin's reply and with additional help from twain-cloud-express README.

  <add key="CloudName" value="TwainCloudExpress" />
  <add key=”CloudApiRoot” value="http://localhost:3000/api/" />
  <add key=”CloudManager” value="http://localhost:3000" />
  <add key=”CloudUseHttps” value=”no” />

After rebuilding TwainDirect.sln, uninstalling TwainDirect.Scanner, windows restart, reinstalling TwainDirect.Scanner and then launching TwainDirect.Scanner (32 bit)... HazyBits still appears and TwainCloudExpress does not. Along with that my "Select Scanner" issue still persist. May you explain the correlation with the optional Twain Cloud settings and my initial issue with "Select Scanner" crashing the bridge application ("Not Responding").

I just realized the "twain-direct/Releases/twaindirect_########" were not the newly rebuilt files. I have since found the newly built Scanner and Application in "...\twain-direct\source\twaindirect.scanner\bin\x86\release". I now see my "TwainCloudExpress" cloud option but the "Select Scanner..." crashing issue still persist. Does anyone have any suggestion to fix said issue?


  • As I alluded above I have successful ran twain-cloud-express using node.js
  • I am using Windows 10 Pro on a 64-bit architecture
  • I am trying to connect with Brother DS-740D

Thank you in advance to anyone that responds,
Jose Cadenas


Missing twaindsm.dll file was causing "Select Scanner" crash. Read twain-dsm to install dll in correct location.