
[Bug] Error in frame constrain function [sf#13]

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Reported by brainsucker on 2009-09-14 18:46 UTC
Several errors were introduced to function CTWAINDS_Base::ConstrainFrameToScanner at rev.42, for example:
if condition compares _nframe.nRight with fMaxValue*1000, but uses just fMaxValue to set frame right border (introducing 1000x error in some cases).
Same situation for every changed line (at rev.42) at this function.

if(pPhysicalWidth && true == pPhysicalWidth->GetCurrent(fMaxValue) && (int)fMaxValue*1000 < _frame.nRight)
_frame.nRight = (int)fMaxValue;
bChanged = true;

Updated by jim0watters on 2009-09-23 20:18 UTC

  • assigned_to: nobody --> mihailm

Commented by mihailm on 2009-09-24 14:22 UTC
Fixed in rev. 45

Updated by mihailm on 2009-09-24 14:22 UTC

  • status: open --> closed-fixed