
[Bug] Get Capability returns "unrecognized item type" [sf#38]

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Reported by ad-viper on 2014-07-31 14:20 UTC

I´m using your twaincstool to implement some scan functions into one program. The problem is, that I can´t figure out, why the enquiries of the capabilities are not working.
As you can see in the first screenshot(output_messages), everything (expect get Entry, it returns BADPROTOCOL) till the capability enquiries works fine.
The enquiry of the Capability regarding xfercount, current capabilities, supported capabilities are in the other screenshots(getCap, get_current_caps,supported_capabilities).
I´ve read the TWAIN-2.3-Spec and searched some time for a solution, I didn´t find anything…
The Problem is, that the capability request fails at the end – when the method want´s an item type, it get´s a number, where I wrote an string like “TWTY_UINT16”.
On screenshot “marshal” in the red square occurs the problem(I think “ItemType” should be a string like “UINT16”, “STR32”, “INT32”, but it´s an number – maybe the address and it maybe contains the needed item type).
Finally that function returns the “ItemType”(random number) and the number is being appended to a string screenshot “TWTY”.

It would be nice, if you could overlook my codesnippets and give me an advice, how to solve my problem. :)

Greetings DK

Commented by mihailm on 2016-03-20 12:24 UTC
This question belong to TWAIN for C# forum.
However I checked latest twaincstst project for an example and found that you have to pass capability id in szTwmemref to
szTwmemref = "1";
sts = m_twaincstoolkit.Send(DG_CONTROL, DAT_CAPABILITY, MSG_GET, ref szTwmemref, ref szResult);
as result you will get another string in same variable "CAP_XFERCOUNT,TWON_ONEVALUE,TWTY_INT16,-1"

Updated by mihailm on 2016-03-20 12:25 UTC

  • status: open --> wont-fix
  • assigned_to: MSM