
[Bug] Sample DS blocks image display with browser application... [sf#39]

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Reported by mlmcl on 2014-11-25 14:42 UTC
This is the CAPSYS issue. I'm dropping this in here as a reminder for Jon to take a look at the issue, to see if he identifies a fix. The problem is easy to reproduce. Bring up the app, set the driver UI to come up, fix the sample driver to transfer multiple images. It's not possible to see the effect, since the sample uses the same image for all transfers, but monitoring the display window with Spy++ shows that after five seconds the browser is no longer displaying each transfer. At the end of the session the display comes back to life, showing the last one or two images. The working theory is that there may be a COM / WaitForSingleObject issue, but that's about all we have at this point. I do have a workaround that I've developed using CreateWindow, but it's about as subtle as a bulldozer in a china shop...