
app_sample cannot read ds_sample

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im beginner of twain driver.
first of all, i downloaded this project and compiled successfully.
i used vs2015 and qt4.8.7 on windows10 x64.

i moved compiled TWAINDS_Sample32.ds to "c:\windows\twain_32\sample2" and then that folder is contain FreeImage.dll, TWAIN_App_mfc.exe, TWAINDS_Sample32.ds, TWAINDSM.dll

but when execute TWAIN_App_mfc.exe, the list has nothing and two buttons are disabled.
am i miss something?

and where can i see some guides or what?
i hope you understand my question.

thank you.

Following files are required in C:\Windows\twain_32\sample2

For Qt version 4

  • FreeImage.dll
  • QtCore4.dll
  • QtGui4.dll
  • TWAIN_logo.png
  • TWAINDS_Sample32.ds

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 to compile the project with Qt 5 therefore in my project properties at Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies I have following


And the respective Qt DLL files are located at C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\5.12.3\msvc2017\bin