
Bootstrap-sass v3.3.7 generates a "Using / for division is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0." warning when using laravel mix

realtebo opened this issue · 1 comments

I know v3.3.7 is a very old versione now.

But we are using it due to a long-life laravel project using a specific bought laravel admin theme.

Actually, laravel mix is using dart-sass to compile it. I don't know if it's related or not.

We have A LOT of warning (more than 30) about this

28 │   margin-bottom: ($line-height-computed / 2);
   │                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    node_modules\bootstrap-sass\assets\stylesheets\bootstrap\_type.scss 28:19  @import
    node_modules\bootstrap-sass\assets\stylesheets\_bootstrap.scss 18:9        @import
    resources\assets\sass\frontend\frontend.scss 13:9                          root stylesheet

: Using / for division is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.

Recommendation: math.div($line-height-computed, 2)

More info and automated migrator:

38 │   margin-top: ($line-height-computed / 2);
   │                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    node_modules\bootstrap-sass\assets\stylesheets\bootstrap\_type.scss 38:16  @import
    node_modules\bootstrap-sass\assets\stylesheets\_bootstrap.scss 18:9        @import
    resources\assets\sass\frontend\frontend.scss 13:9                          root stylesheet

: Using / for division is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.

Recommendation: math.div($line-height-computed, 2)

I kindly ask you to replace division with math.div

See that:

there is a tool to automate migration from / to math.div

I see that some months ago an user prepared this, but it's not ready to merge: #1218

I copy/paste from this link: #1218 (comment)

since this repo is no loger active maintains, i made a npm package use your pr, hope it is usefull

npm install bootstrap3-sass

We resolved all issues