
Heading classes (.h2, .h2, etc.) override <a> and .text-* class color styling

dzwillia opened this issue · 1 comments

Heading classes (.h1, .h2, etc.) override anchor tag color styling as well as other well-defined classes for color styling (.text-success, .text-danger, etc.).

It should be noted that this styling was correct shortly ago in BS 3.0.0, so I should be able to track down the change and why it was made -- the fix may be as simple as removing "color: inherit" from .h1, .h2, etc. classes.

I have included two examples to document the issue:

Bootstrap 3.0.0 (styled correctly):
Bootstrap 3.0.2 (styled incorrectly):

While related to Issue #10202, I view this to be a far more grievous bug than is listed the one listed there as it is more far-reaching (affecting elements all the way down to anchor tag styling).

I will create a quick pull request to fix this issue.

Great to see this made it into 3.0.3! Thanks, @mdo!