
ul.nav-tabs border-bottom is visible on IE11+Edge

Closed this issue · 16 comments



This has to be a known issue, because it's even visible on the doc site. But I can't find any report nor a workaround. Increasing the margin-bottom on .nav-tabs > li to -2px removes the line but does not look good either.

Unable to reproduce in Windows 10:
@hansmaad What version of IE11 and Windows are you using?

IE 11.0.9600.18059 on Win7. I will check this on other machines too.

@hansmaad Please also verify that IE's Zoom level is set to 100%.

Sauce only has IE 11.0.9600.17728 on Win7, which doesn't repro this.
@twbs/team Anyone have a Win7 box/VM to test this?

Zoom is 100%. The thickness of the visible part of the border changes with different zoom settings.
My colleague (same IE on win7) has this too.

@cvrebert: sorry, I don't have IE 11 on my Windows 7 VM because it ignores conditionals and it pissed me off :P

Confirmed on Windows 10 Edge && IE without zoom. Resolution 1920x1080.


IE 11

I can see it on Windows 8 IE11 when zoomed to 200% (and after zooming back 100% too). I recently wrestled with similar problem with IE (on non-Bootstrap related product) and the root cause was IE's High DPI scaling functionality (

Confirmed with Windows 10 Edge v20 on a high DPI screen. Best visible on 200% zoom, but also visible on 175% zoom. Cannot reproduce in Chrome on a high DPI screen.


Confirmed in Edge on Windows 10.

For whatever reason, this doesn't seem to affect v4 ( (See subsequent comments)

@mdo Any interest in trying to figure out a workaround?

@cvrebert v4, IE11, Windows 8, non-HDPI display, 100% zoom, first load:




@petetnt Huh. Window size or monitor resolution seems to be a factor, since v3 only reproduced for me when I had Edge's window maximized. Yet v4 didn't under the same conditions. Weird!

mdo commented

Fix in #21429. IE11 and Edge just don't like transparent here with whatever's happening with page rendering. Specific hex value works great though.