
.table-responsive doesn't fill up width in Firefox

Closed this issue · 10 comments

When adding the v4 ".table-responsive" class to a table, the thead and tbody elements will use only the absolute necessary space in Firefox despite of the width of 100% of the table itself. This is due to the "display: block" necessary for the overflow.

Please post a JS Bin or JS Fiddle that demonstrates the problem.
A screenshot would also be appreciated.

Trying again (I can't seem to do anything right today!). I made a JS Fiddle of this issue here:

I don't see a problem with the table though. I am viewing this in Firefox 43.0.1 for Mac.

Sorry, my fault!
I've added ".table-responsive" to the table itself instead of wrapping a <div class="table-responsive"></div> around

Quy commented

Per Migrating to v4:
Responsive tables no longer require a wrapping element. Instead, just put the .table-responsive right on the <table>.

Will this be the case and just has not been implemented yet?

@mdo Are the docs wrong, or is the new .table-responsive broken?

@mdo Ping.

Hello. Sorry to bother you. I've faced with the same issue, don't know how to solve it correctly because I need to change about thousand pages. Can't do this huge work twice or more.
The issue is not only with Firefox. So, if to wrap a table with div = table-responsive, then everything is fine (see the first table), but if just use a table with class = table-responsive, then the table don't expand 100% (see table 2).
html file for testing
I'd like to know if this is gonna be fixed or should I wrap tables in div tags? I'm worried that div tags will stop working one day because it's kind of old feature... or will it be working forever? :)

@mdo PING.

mdo commented

@mdo PING.

Hi there! Yes, I've been in and out and outlandishly unresponsive to almost everything. Apologies for that—getting caught up slowly but surely.

@mdo Are the docs wrong, or is the new .table-responsive broken?

It's now a modifier, not a wrapper. PR has been opened to address that.

Lastly, there's no bug here near as I can tell. FF50 and latest Safari look great.