
<select> element height differs from other form inputs when using custom line height

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When compiling Bootstrap with line-height other than the default value, the select element's height slightly differs from other elements and buttons.

select element with default line height:
default line height

select element with 1.75 line height:
1.75 line height


Just to confirm that I understand it , So the select element's height is the only element that change when you change the default value of line -height on you CSS Document??? Could paste some code when using line-height, please?

@jesusmtzarvizu Yes, the select element height's differs, because it is hardcoded in Bootstrap.

select.form-control {
  &:not([size]):not([multiple]) {
    $select-border-width: ($border-width * 2);
    height: calc(#{$input-height} - #{$select-border-width});