
Have Savage also set GitHub build status

cvrebert opened this issue ยท 10 comments

I haven't worked with Scala before, would you be interested in having me give this a shot though? It seems similar to Java which isn't bad. based on twbs/rorschach 's code

OK. Thanks @cvrebert. I just wanted to check as I've had some people / projects who aren't interested and were rather mean when someone new to a language attempted a PR. Just want to help not be a bother ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Just for notes for myself, the function requires:

IRepositoryIdProvider repository = 'twbs/bootstrap';
String sha = 'pull request\'s SHA value'
CommitStatus status = ['Pending', 'Failed', 'Success'] 

This is currently soft-blocked on
i.e. I will still accept PRs, but redeployment of @twbs-savage will be blocked on Savage being able to set a proper context on the commit status.

With much thanks to Matthias Sohn, the blocker has now shifted to

@kkirsche I landed an implementation of this on master. Thanks as always for your enthusiasm though; gave me the kick in the butt to actually get around to doing this ๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks to / ddbf069, this should now be unblocked.
We can just use a 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT version of egit-github from Eclipse's Maven repo.

Haha no worries. You were probably going to make a better quality version than my first pass simply due to familiarity with the codebase. I'm always happy to help though and I always appreciate the twbs's kindness during reviews. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Currently in final phase of production testing: twbs/bootstrap#16352

Test was successful!