
Rename repo/package

XhmikosR opened this issue · 9 comments

So, it seems there already was a stylelint-config-bootstrap npm package. My guess is it was passed over at some point to @mdo.

Now, we can't remove old npm releases, so v0.1.0 that exists there is not the same as ours. We could rename everything to stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap maybe.

Let me know how you guys want to proceed.

/CC @mdo @MartijnCuppens

Do we have access to remove the package? We can do that and than recreate the package and publish them with the correct versions?

We can only deprecate it, not remove it.

I guess stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap is the only option then?

I guess so too.

Alternatively, I could just deprecate the old npm package and make a new one and keep the repo as is.

I would prefer that to avoid the proliferation of packages.

To be honest it might be better to be consistent. We'll see.

Package created and deprecated the old one

This package has been deprecated

Author message:
Please use `stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap`

Everything has been renamed.