
Extraneous empty case (`of {}`) inserted by the formatter

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi. :)

I stumbled across this interesting diff today:


hashFromTUF :: Sec.Hash -> HashValue
hashFromTUF (Sec.Hash hashstr) =
-   case Base16.decode (BS.pack hashstr) of
+   case Base16.decode (BS.pack hashstr) of {}
#if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
    Right hash -> HashValue hash
    Left _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16"
    (hash, trailing) | not (BS.null hash) && BS.null trailing
      -> HashValue hash
    _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16 hash"

I can consistently reproduce it in the playground.
Right now the only workaround that comes to mind is to blacklist the module. Perhaps is there a better trick?

Thanks for the report, this is expected behavior: Ormolu can't support CPP in general (see "Limitations"); rather, it splits up the input before and after any occurrence of CPP, formats the non-CPP snippets individually and concats everything in the end.

In your case, this means that Ormolu will format just


hashFromTUF :: Sec.Hash -> HashValue
hashFromTUF (Sec.Hash hashstr) =
  case Base16.decode (BS.pack hashstr) of

and then concat the formatted result with the CPP snippet

#if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
    Right hash -> HashValue hash
    Left _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16"
    (hash, trailing) | not (BS.null hash) && BS.null trailing
      -> HashValue hash
    _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16 hash"

Now, the first snippet looks like an empty case, so Ormolu formats it as such.

The recommended approach is to insert Ormolu's magic comments at appropriate places; in this case, e.g.


hashFromTUF :: Sec.Hash -> HashValue
hashFromTUF (Sec.Hash hashstr) =
  case Base16.decode (BS.pack hashstr) of
#if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
    Right hash -> HashValue hash
    Left _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16"
    (hash, trailing) | not (BS.null hash) && BS.null trailing
      -> HashValue hash
    _ -> error "hashFromTUF: cannot decode base16 hash"

which is a fixed point.

Hope this helps!

Thank you! :)