
My Plugins List

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Here the my plugins that can be ported from my old js

SuperAnimation.DocJSON = {
	"squash": {
		"id": 1,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Add bounce-ball like squash and bouncing",
			"value": {
				"strength": "Strength of squashing, lower value agressive bouncing",
				"easeType": "Easing type of squash & bouncing",
				"useGravity": "Physics gravity like bouncing",
				"disableBounciness": "Use non-bounce easing for some serius large application",
				"customEasing": "Custom easing function for better XP",
				"backToStart": "Animation end state back to start",
				"manualPhysicOffset": "Add physic margin for better XP",
				"noScale": "Disable scaling while bouncing",
				"addMove": "Moves node to that move",
				"moveDirection": "addMove direction, can be x, y, rotate, etc."
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"strength": 0.7,
				"easeType": "BounceOut",
				"useGravity": false,
				"disableBounciness": false,
				"customEasing": null,
				"backToStart": false,
				"manualPhysicOffset": 0,
				"noScale": false,
				"addMove": 0,
				"moveDirection": null
			"recommend": "true or {} (uses default param)",
			"userValue": {
				"strength": 0.6,
				"easeType": "One of in, out, inOut, gravity",
				"useGravity": true,
				"disableBounciness": false,
				"customEasing": "SuperAnimation.Easing.ExpoInOut",
				"backToStart": false,
				"manualPhysicOffset": 10,
				"noScale": false,
				"addMove": 20,
				"moveDirection": "y"
	"keyframe": {
		"id": 2,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "JS Implementation of CSS Animation keyframe",
			"value": "Object pack as percent and value of animation"
		"value": {
			"default": null,
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"0": {
					"x": 0
				"30": {
					"x": -50
				"100": {
					"x": 100
	"classr": {
		"id": 3,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "CSS Class tweening",
			"value": "with/without relative class name"
		"value": {
			"default": "node class name",
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": "newclass"
	"roundValue": {
		"id": 4,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Rounds property value while tweening",
			"value": "Object contains property and true if round need"
		"value": {
			"default": null,
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"property": 1
	"changeValue": {
		"id": 5,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Changes property value while tweening",
			"value": "Object contains property and functions for returning new value"
		"value": {
			"default": null,
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"property": "function(value){ return Math.sin(value); }"
	"drag": {
		"id": 6,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Add support for drag node with mouse",
			"value": {
				"min": "Minimum x/y position of drag",
				"max": "Maximum x/y position of drag",
				"defaultValue": "Default x/y position of node",
				"stepize": "Function for control over tracked x/y position while dragging",
				"gridStep": "Function for control over tracked x/y position after drag release"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"min": {
					"x": -999,
					"y": -999
				"max": {
					"x": 999,
					"y": 999
				"defaultValue": {
					"x": 0,
					"y": 0
				"stepize": null,
				"gridStep": null
			"recommend": {},
			"userValue": {
				"min": {
					"x": -500,
					"y": -500
				"max": {
					"x": 500,
					"y": 500
				"defaultValue": {
					"x": 0,
					"y": 50
				"stepize": "function (e) { e.x *= 9; return e; }",
				"gridStep": "function (e, defaultE) { e.y *= 2; return e; }"
	"scroll": {
		"id": 7,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Scrolling plug-in lets you scroll to any position or node",
			"value": "Object contains number of y-position or object contains both x/y positions"
		"value": {
			"default": "Current position of scroll",
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"x": 25,
				"y": 215
	"attr": {
		"id": 8,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Attribute tweening of node",
			"value": "Object contains new attribute value"
		"value": {
			"default": "Current attribute of node",
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"data-x": 12
	"event": {
		"id": 9,
		"status": "RC",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Animation by Event listener",
			"value": "Object contains state with object of new value"
		"value": {
			"default": null,
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"mousedown": {
					"scale": 0.8,
					"options": {
						"easing": "ExpoInOut"
					"action": "function (e) { this.innerHTML = \"mousedown\"; }"
	"typer": {
		"id": 10,
		"status": "RC",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Typing effect",
			"value": {
				"splitter": "Split character for typing",
				"scrambleMode": "Scramble effect mode state",
				"scrambleWord": "typer#scrambleMode Scrambling word",
				"offRandom": "Last character randomize for better looking",
				"text": "Value of new text"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"splitter": "",
				"scrambleMode": false,
				"scrambleWord": "Typer",
				"offRandom": false,
				"text": "Current text"
			"recommend": "{text:TEXT_HERE}",
			"userValue": {
				"text": "TEXT_HERE"
	"tricle": {
		"id": 11,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Interesting API for some loader or snippets",
			"value": {
				"count": "Count of circle",
				"type": "Tagname of circles",
				"opacityReduction": "Threshold of opacity reduce per circle",
				"defaultOpacity": "Default circle opacity threshold",
				"defaultTricleSize": "Default circle threshold size"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"count": 3,
				"type": "div",
				"opacityReduction": 0.15,
				"defaultOpacity": 0.75,
				"defaultTricleSize": 0.25
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"count": 2,
				"type": "div",
				"opacityReduction": 0.25,
				"defaultOpacity": 1,
				"defaultTricleSize": 0.35
	"sprite": {
		"id": 12,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Sprite animation plug-in for images",
			"value": {
				"dir": "Direction of sprite",
				"src": "Image of sprite",
				"width": "Sprite node width (not image width)",
				"height": "Sprite node height (not image height)",
				"widthLength": "Sprite image width !(not node width)",
				"heightLength": "Sprite image height !(not node height)"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"dir": "[\"right\"]",
				"src": "CSS Background image (if DOMPlugin loaded)",
				"width": null,
				"height": null,
				"widthLength": "width of sprite node",
				"heightLength": "height of sprite node"
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"width": 240,
				"height": 314,
				"widthLength": 1200,
				"heightLength": 1570
	"three": {
		"id": 13,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "THREE.js plug-in for easier using",
			"value": "{property:value} of your tween"
		"value": {
			"default": null,
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"rotation": {
					"x": 100,
					"y": 100
				"scale": {
					"x": 4,
					"y": 4,
					"z": 3
	"babylon": {
		"id": 14,
		"status": "Alpha",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Babylon.js plug-in for easier using",
			"value": "{property:value} of your tween"
		"value": {
			"default": null,
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"rotation": {
					"x": 100,
					"y": 100
				"scale": {
					"x": 4,
					"y": 4,
					"z": 3
	"pixi": {
		"id": 15,
		"status": "Alpha",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Pixi.js plug-in for easier using",
			"value": "{property:value} of your tween"
		"value": {
			"default": null,
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"rotation": 90
	"polyMorph": {
		"id": 16,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": {
			"user": "colinmeinke",
			"link": ""
		"desc": {
			"api": "SVG Polygon/Polyline Morphing",
			"value": {
				"shape": "Shape of morphing",
				"moveIndex": "move index of shape points",
				"reverse": "Reverse shape points"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"shape": "Current shape",
				"moveIndex": 0,
				"reverse": false
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"shape": "#polygon2"
	"shapeMorph": {
		"id": 17,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": {
			"user": "colinmeinke",
			"link": ""
		"desc": {
			"api": "SVG Shape Morphing",
			"value": {
				"shape": "Shape of morphing",
				"precision": "Precision of shape points (lower precision, more point)",
				"moveMap": "Shape mapping",
				"useSVGPoints": "Lets you make more natural morphing",
				"disableStyleMorph": "Disables shape style morphing",
				"keepOriginalPath": "After morphing finished, keep original d attribute",
				"disableComplexity": "Enable if shape looks unnatural",
				"showIndex": "Show circle on start index",
				"moveIndex": "move index of shape points",
				"reverse": "Reverse shape points",
				"flattenTransforms": "Flatten/Merges transforms into shape path",
				"mapOrder": "Pops and/or Shifts and/or moves the order of path on SVG Groups and Multi-points shapes"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"shape": "Current shape",
				"precision": "4 (if useSVGPoints enabled, else no default precision)",
				"moveMap": "length",
				"useSVGPoints": false,
				"disableStyleMorph": false,
				"keepOriginalPath": true,
				"disableComplexity": false,
				"showIndex": false,
				"moveIndex": "auto-matches index",
				"reverse": false,
				"flattenTransforms": false,
				"mapOrder": 0
			"recommend": {
				"disableComplexity": false,
				"keepOriginalPath": true,
				"useSVGPoints": true,
				"moveMap": "auto or length or complexity"
			"userValue": {
				"shape": "#shape2",
				"moveIndex": 3,
				"reverse": true,
				"useSVGPoints": true,
				"precision": 3
	"drawStroke": {
		"id": 18,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "SVG Stroke drawing",
			"value": {
				"offset": "Offset of value (start/end/length/interval)",
				"fadeStroke": "Show stroke after drawing done",
				"fadeFill": "Show fill after drawing done"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"offset": "Current shape stroke-dasharray",
				"fadeStroke": false,
				"fadeFill": false
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"offset": "50% 85%"
	"waveSVG": {
		"id": 19,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": {
			"user": "osublake",
			"link": ""
		"desc": {
			"api": "SVG Sine Wave",
			"value": {
				"amplitude": "Amplitude of wave",
				"frequency": "Frequency of wave",
				"segment": "Segment count",
				"width": "width of wave container",
				"height": "height of wave container"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"amplitude": 45,
				"frequency": 4,
				"segment": 150,
				"width": "100%",
				"height": 150
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"amplitude": 80,
				"frequency": 3
	"waveSine": {
		"id": 20,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": {
			"user": "olizilla",
			"link": ""
		"desc": {
			"api": "SVG Sine Wave",
			"value": {
				"amplitude": "Amplitude of wave",
				"frequency": "Frequency of wave",
				"segmentCount": "Segment count",
				"width": "width of wave container",
				"height": "height of wave container"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"amplitude": 40,
				"frequency": 8,
				"segmentCount": 150,
				"width": 1200,
				"height": 300
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"amplitude": 80,
				"frequency": 7
	"curver": {
		"id": 21,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Bezier curve points interpolation",
			"value": {
				"shape": "Points of curve",
				"useRotate": "Rotates node when curve is rotated"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"useRotate": false
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"shape": [{
						"x": 0,
						"y": 0
					}, {
						"x": 50,
						"y": 100
	"alongPath": {
		"id": 22,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": {
			"user": "colinmeinke",
			"link": ""
		"desc": {
			"api": "Animate target along path aka MotionPath",
			"value": {
				"shape": "Target shape that need along that path",
				"useRotate": "Rotates node when curve is rotated"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"useRotate": false
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"shape": "#motionPath1",
				"useRotate": true
	"siriWave": {
		"id": 23,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": {
			"user": "caffeinalab",
			"link": ""
		"desc": {
			"api": "Apple Siri like Wave",
			"value": {
				"width": "width of wave",
				"height": "height of wave",
				"speed": "Speed of wave",
				"amplitude": "Amplitude of wave",
				"hideAtDone": "Hide wave when tween ends"
		"value": {
			"default": {
				"width": "Container width",
				"height": "Container height",
				"speed": 0.2,
				"amplitude": 1,
				"hideAtDone": true
			"recommend": null,
			"userValue": {
				"width": 259,
				"height": 40
	"domPlugin": {
		"id": 24,
		"status": "Stable",
		"credit": null,
		"desc": {
			"api": "Enables CSS Tweening/Animation, Current style offset"
		"value": null

If you like one or more of these, leave review, so i will give you code and we together (or you) port the API to es6-tween, this would be amazed