
Problems with the music either not playing or not continuing

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I’ve been using the updated mod version of the game to play through it again and I’m noticing that when I start a new game, the music in the first sequence doesn’t play. I have the music on and music later in office complex with the horror music would play, but then I realized the music when you first fight the grunts in “We’ve Got Hostiles” only plays for a bit until the loading screen in the elevator is passed through and then stops playing. I tried deleting the mod and reinstalling it, and the same problems occur with the music. Is this known about? This only really happens with this version and in the steam release works fine for me.

This is a bug in the engine: ValveSoftware/halflife#570

Can't be fixed in mod code, but the Unified SDK implements a new music system to bypass the engine entirely so it works properly there.

Note that that project is not ready for use yet.

Is there an explanation why this seems to be the case despite the current stems version’s music working fine? Just curious. Also I’ll keep my eyes on the unified sdk.

The engine stops music playback on map change if the current game directory is not valve. As such only Half-Life works correctly, every other official game and mod is broken.

The reason why is in the issue i linked.

Thank you. I’m guessing the music worked in the older PC releases by that metric