
Spray Logo bug

Closed this issue · 1 comments

After loading a saved game the spray logo doesn't work as it should.

Thanks for reporting this.

This only happens if you're not using a custom logo file. To reset your installation for testing purposes you have to set the cl_logofile cvar to an empty string (cl_logofile "" in console) and delete tempdecal.wad.

The reason why it only happens with the default logo is that the engine only informs the server of the custom decal info once when using the default whereas it informs the server every level load with a custom logo.

The server's default value for the custom logo frame count is incorrect so it thinks there is a custom one when there isn't, so the client just uses whatever decal has index 0.

I've fixed it so the server assumes the player has no custom logo. If they do the engine will inform the server.